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AT app re-skin

Miro - with documentation 

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Reflective statement

Looking back, this sprint has helped me a lot with managing all the steps to create an app. My strategy towards my AT app re-skin was to look at existing apps that were available for kids. Collating so many existing apps, helped me broaden my knowledge as caused creative sparks when coming to ideate. My priority areas focused on app making and feedback but also my assumptions. This was because I have never really made an app before so to focus on making it correct with feedback enabled me to improve and create the best app I can.

I found it best to document my process on Miro (shown by blue post its) as it enabled to me to collate all my thoughts together and summarise my thoughts at that time.

Screen Shot 2021-03-25 at 9.12.35 PM.png

Statement of Intent

Vroom! Vroom! Is an educational game, ideally to partner with AT,  that young children can use before they start to use public transport. It enables them to learn the basics of public transport, such as crossing the road at the correct time and catch the right bus number. With this app I was trying to achieve a fun and engaging game that would also educate young children about public transport so they can be confident to use it when they come to the correct age.

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