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Assignment 3 - Visualisation  group project  


The problem we will be looking at is lowering food wastage. According to Love Food Hate Waste, New Zealand wastes 157,389 tonnes of food each year (2020). This is a problem as often people are throwing away uneaten food and over-consuming food. We chose food waste because we saw this problem and generally people don’t realise how much food is wasted. We saw this as a good opportunity to educate a lot of consumers and hopefully lower food wastage emmisions.


As a group, we are concerned about how much food wastage revolves explicitly around eating out. Our target consists of consumers as we think they are participants within the hospitality sector that will be able to create disruptive change.



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This is our final physical prototype for our food waste pop-up installation. It will be placed in areas that are situated among many eating out food places. The mediums that were used to create this prototype consisted of plywood, a canvas, coloured string, pins (however, in the real prototype these might be replaced with nails due to its size) and black ink. This model is a small scale version of what it would look like. ‘The Impact of Eating Out’ is written on the top of the model to establish to those interacting with it what the activity/display is based on. However, there will also be a small contextual paragraph beside the work; similarly to artworks in regular galleries. This physical prototype is simple yet effective - capturing its essence well. - Not only is this said within its composition and monochromatic palette; but also the questions and answers that are on the model. They were thought about carefully and constructed to be clear to understand, not too long and complicated. This was important to us because as a group, we want to be able to get our points across clearly to people. This ensures they are engaged, and thus will have a higher chance in thinking about the impacts and deeper meaning of food wastage in alternative times too. Furthermore, a significant element to this model is the concept of utilising string. This medium is what makes the experience of data interactive and compelling. By making it interactive, people will want to participate. It would become a social activity that can start a conversation. We did, however, discuss mediums to use instead such as a magnet you stick on to your answer, pressing a button on an electronic device to submit an answer etcetera. However, we came to the conclusion that string would be best as the act of holding it in your hands and wrapping it around your answer feels almost more absorbing. By having the answers of participants and then the real answers overlaid across them with an LED light, it is a good indication to participants of how much they thought they knew - and how much actually do know


This video shows how we made our prototypes


Four weeks ago, my group and I came together to look at the problem of food waste. We knew from then, in order to create a prototype that would help solve this problem we would need to dedicate equal amounts of time and effort. It was important for us to all agree on every part of the process so no one is left out or behind.

From the start, we had meetings to give ourselves and group members tasks for the week. We would make sure that it was all fair.

From the first week, me, along with my group, brainstormed and sketched initial ideas relating to the problem. I looked at the problem as a whole and found relevant information that would deepen our understanding of this topic.

From here I looked at how food waste has already been visualised. I figured out that our prototype must change behaviour in order to be effective.

Although I had these certain tasks, we made sure everyone was UpToDate with our tasks at all times.

After brainstorming, sketching and discussing ideas a few times, we decided to individually sketch our ideas. Once deciding our idea I helped to make both prototype boards. I was then able to start discussing the scenario and suggest any improvements.

Once making the prototype boards, I helped make the stop motion video by help take pictures and move the barbies into position.

Before our final submission, I put together the InDesign document to transfer all documentation over. I then reviewed all information and told our group what was missing and assigned people those tasks. 



Love Food Hate Waste New Zealand. (2020). The Global Issue of Food Waste. Retrieved from Love Food Hate Waste website: sue/ 

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